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Organic Success -- Famine in Ethiopa!

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Famine in Ethiopia – just what the Soil Association ordered!

In 2005, the head of Ethiopia's Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Tewolde Berhan, spoke at the Soil Asociation's Lady Eve Balfour Lecture. (Lady Eve invented organic farming in the 1940s in collaboration with members of the British Union of Fascists and a few anti-semites. They were all very impressed with Adolf Hitler and his "blood and soil" philosophy that boasted of the link between pure Aryans and the "natural" world.)

In 2005 Dr Berhan invited Soil Association "experts" to Ethiopia to advise on "organic techniques." What happens in 2008?? -- famine!!

Who is responsible? Let the organic nutters speak for themselves:
Dr Tewolde Berhan Egziabher, Head of the Ethiopian Environment Agency said, "In a harsh-climate and a largely agricultural economy we need to rediscover an approach to agriculture which supports long-term food security and protects soil fertility.

"Organic farming is the way forward for Ethiopia and it is also an approach which can help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by mechanised farming and the petrochemical inputs in richer countries."Berhan endorses organic farming as the sustainable, practical way to feed the world. Farmers in Ethiopia have achieved 5-fold increases in yields by supplementing traditional methods with modern organic techniques, such as composting."

Huh? -- with a 5-fold increase in production, why is there a famine? And shouldn't he read the 2006 Defra report which shows that organic farming uses more fossil fuels and produces more environmental damage than conventional farming?

Asked why bad harvests seem to have a greater impact on Ethiopia than its neighbours, he has a simple yet stark response. "It's largely because of the lack of infrastructure," he says. "The road system in Ethiopia has doubled in the past 10 years, but is still very poor.

Oh! Nothing to do with your bloody stupid advice not to use pesticides or fertilisers then?

"Ethiopia is still an agrarian society, and there isn't one such country that hasn't had famines," he adds. "The reasons are clear: some years you have plenty and others not enough. If you don't have the technological and financial capacity and the infrastructure to store in good years, you can't make provision for the bad. People here depend entirely on the crops they produce in their fields, so when one season fails, the result is famine."

Actually, only a tiny number of "agrarian societies" have had famines in recent years, but Ethiopia always features at the top of the list. Obviously Dr Berhan doesn't have to rely on the crops he produces or he wouldn't be quite so corpulent. And no problem with the infrastructure that gets fancy western goods to him and his government cronies or send him on expensive trips to speak to Soil Association nitwits.

So, again, in close collaboration with one of Africa’s most corrupt governments, the playboys of organic farming have snatched food from the mouths of starving children. While farm output increases in most of the developing world, Ethiopia faces yet another famine.

Let's ask the heirs of Lady Eve and her fascist mates -- are Ethiopians not quite Aryan enough do organic farming properly?

Well done Soil Association!

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