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Welfare for the wealthy -- Lord Melchett

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All the talk among British politicians is of the importance of getting people "off welfare and into work" by cutting benefits etc.

A better place to start might be with the huge payments made to multi-millionaires as farm subsidies. We all know that a farm is the best tax dodge in town, but some of our most vocal "environmentalists" who scream about "subsidies" to air travel for the masses are not exactly newcomers to the whole idea of state hand-outs.

Take Peter, Lord Melchett (please!) former Executive Director of Greenpeace UK, now chief propagandist for the organic nitwits at the Soil Association (see fascist and anti-Semitic foundations at previous posts).

Melchett's grandfather founded Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) once the world's largest chemical company; his father was Chairman of British Steel; and at age 23 Peter inherited a title (Baron Mond) and large country estate in East Anglia. If you thought that shame alone would stop him putting his nose in the trough of taxpayers money to subsidise his farming hobby, think again.

This is what he has received recently:

................Arable & Set aside .........Countryside 'stewardship' .........Extras
2002/3 .....£53,018 ..................................£21,751 ..........................£3,342
2003/4 .....£42,981 ..................................£22,009 .........................£3,342
2004/5 .....£57,235 ..................................£21,576 ..........................£3,647
2005/6 .....£74,933 ..................................£20,506 .........................£3,545
2006/7 ...........N/A .......................................N/A ............................£3,644

In other words, we taxpayers have given one of the wealthiest men in Britain £278,564.18 in just over four years!

You would think, as a committed socialist, his Lordship would share some of this largesse with local peasants but, as we know, he prefers to destroy their crops instead.

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