Take the following:
Peter Wilby - Guardian media expert
Prince Charles - Prince & layabout & adulterer & all-round loony
Lord Melchett - heir to ICI fortune, hobby farmer
Al Gore - heir to Gore fortune & Senate seat, electoral failure
Zac Goldsmith - heir to strip-mining and deforestation fortune, playboy
Jonathon Porritt - heir to Baronetcy of Hapstead, Prince Charles-lover
Dr Caroline Lucas - Green Party MEP, not a real doctor - PhD in Eng Lit
Mark Lynas - New Statesman green correspondent
Jonathan Dimbleby - publishing heir, hobby farmer
James Murdoch - publishing heir of evil right-wing Rupert
Jamie Oliver - really really bad, fat-tongued cook
Sting - "singer" & wifey Trudie, Ugly, Weeply Styler
Chris Martin - "singer" & wifey Gwyneth Paltrow - Hollywood heiress
Thom Yorke - "singer" & public school socialist
Madonna - "singer" but at, least a self-made millionaire unlike the rest.
Leonardo DiCaprio - actor.
None of the above have any more than basic school science; most gave it up at the age of 15 then concentrated on arts subjects for their secondary school graduation.
From what we can tell there are only two eco-types who have a degree in a
science subject:
George Monbiot - heir to a biscuit fortune and son of two ardent Tories but he can spot the difference between CO2 and the crack in your arse.
Tony Juniper - now with Friends of the Earth but formerly a bird-botherer so may no longer be able to tell the difference between CO2 and the crack in your arse.
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