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Whale sushi -- Yum!

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I'm as much a soft-touch for a cute animal story as the next guy and, over the years have written letters to Japan, China and South Korea to protest about the eating of whales and dogs.

But, with Greenpeace there are always hidden lies and malfeasance and there is always a cash-raising objective to a campaign.

Greenpeace USA is conducting a letter-writing campaign in support of two activists who were arrested for "exposing fraud" in the Japanese government's "scientific whaling programme."

A better idea would be to write to the prosecutors asking that they investigate Greenpeace. Write to:

Keiichi Tadaki, Hon Prosecutor General,
Haruo Kasama, Deputy Prosecutor General
Supreme Public Prosecutors Office
1-1-1 Kasumigaseki

See the Greenpeace USA campaign letter at:

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