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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community DUMB ECOLOGIST: Airports | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping


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This week please panic about: Airports

The Ecologist newsletter features what is almost certainly the most ineffective protest in the history of mankind. A prize nitwit called Dan Glass, a member of the chaotic "protest" group Plane Stupid was to be presented to Prime Minister Gordon Brown as some sort of reward for doing something or other (it's not entirely clear).

He had the, quite good, idea of super-gluing himself to Brown and then delivering a lecture on the evils of airline travel while No. 10 Security tried to free the PM -- presumably with large volumes of acetone (that's nail varnish remover to all you Pony Club protesters at The Ecologist).

However, being a prize nitwit -- as every member of Plane Stupid must, perforce, be -- and completely ignorant of science in general, Mr Glass seemed to forget that super-glue sticks skin to skin. Super-glue is completely useless for sticking anything to fabric. (Cyanoacrylate glue is an anaerobic adhesive -- it binds only in the near-absence of air and then only to water-containing substances. Fabric, like the PM's woollen suit, it full of air but contains little water -- exactly the wrong thing to glue.)

Mr Glass filled his left palm with super-glue and shook hands with his right. He grabbed the PM's left sleeve but the glue did not adhere. Brown probably just thought the chap had a very sweaty palm. So, Glass was unable to deliver his lecture (just as well, it's boring as Hell, reprinted in The Ecologist) and was ushered out with no harm done.

A Downing Street spokesman said "There was no stickiness of any significance."

Glass said, "He was just grinning about it. He didn't seem to take me seriously."

What a surprise!!

After the incident Mr Glass was allowed to stay Number 10 for 40 minutes. When he left the building he tried to glue himself to the gates of Downing Street but was prevented from doing so by a police officer.

"I didn't have much glue left by that point," he said.

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