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Give this kid a SLAP!!!

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After you watch this YouTube clip, I guarantee you will want to leave all your lights on, run the car 24 hours a day in the driveway, drop poison in the sea for the whales to chew on, fly continuously between the Poles in most fuel-guzzling plane you can find, and sign up to a 100% Dirty Coal electricity tariff.

Somehow, this most obnoxious example of Greenpeace propaganda passed me by initially. Ever wonder what happened to the sinister alien "Pod" kids from "The Midwich Cuckoos" (U .S. title - "Village of the Damned")? Here's one of the evil, bug-eyed drones. You can just imagine him in Nazi Germany as Top Boy in the Hitler Youth , turning over his parents to the S.S. because "they look too Jewish." But here, he's spouting Greenpeace propaganda.

Sadly, the effect is somewhat ruined by the fact he has a Canadian accent. Canadians are such nice people and it's impossible to sound to threatening when you say "abooot" instead of "about."

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