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Semarak 4 tahun HN Community
Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Climate camp - 137 drown! | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Climate camp - 137 drown!

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Oh gosh, what a terrible disaster at the Climate Camp! Oh the Humanity!

Despite being warned not to go in the River Medway, the nitwitted protesters (most of whom had not been out of Chelsea before) jumped in a fleet of boats and got themselves in trouble.

Now they've all drowned - woe and thrice woe! For latest news, see below.

Good news - the 137 damp eco-warriors were rescued by our brave boys in blue! All they lost was: dignity, self-respect, ego, several boats, the chance to make a decent protest, interest among the press etc etc.

Contributors to the charity The World Development Movement may be surprised to learn that, instead of helping develop Africa or Asia or South America, the middle-class white, dilettantes of the charity have been living it up in central London with the climate protesters.

Wonder how many wells the cost of that blow-up plane would have built in Africa?

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