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Highgrove to lose organic status? ... Shock news!

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Prince Charles is Britain's most famous proponent of organic farming and his estate at Highgrove is a showplace for organic ideals.

BUT -- Prince William has sabotaged all his father's principles by feeding contaminated food to Highgrove's pigs. As a result, Prince Charles risks public humiliation if Highgrove is stripped of organic status by the Soil Association, Britain's largest organic certification body.

The Soil Association boasts that its standards are far more strict than required by law; animals cannot be given nonorganic or genetically modified (GM) feed for example. They certainly may not be fed anything contaminated with industrial oils or lubricants.

And ... Prince Charles relies on homeopathic remedies to treat his pigs. In homeopathic theory a tiny, tiny amount of a substance can have potent effects on humans and animals.

In these photos Prince William is seen doling out pig food from a Castrol oil drum! Nothing could be more toxic to Highgrove's soil (which Prince Charles has carefully tended and nurtured for so many years) than the deliberate splattering of petroleum products across it. And the effects of homeopathic doses of engine oil must have serious consequences for the health of the swine!

Let's hope, for the sake of both Princes, that these photos never find their way to the Soil Association because that organisation (with its very, very high standards) is guaranteed to act quickly and severely.

My advice to cautious organic consumers -- do not buy any products from the Duchy range for at least three years -- that's how long it takes to get re-certified as organic once your farm has been despoiled by the evil of chemicals.

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