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Obamans FOR climate change

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For all amateur video enthusiasts or those who fancy themselves as undiscovered advertising geniuses, why not enter the contest for the best 30 or 60 second commercial to "inspire your next president." The contest is run by our very, very good chums at the Climate Matters website - which looks like a Greenpeace front organisation. They especially want kids to enter as another form of brainwashing for the young.

The total prize fund is only $4,500 (probably every child wins a prize) so don't invest a lot of time. The link below will lead to you my own crappy attempt (under the name Glob Al S.Keptic, aged 4.2 years) which shows what you can do with Windows Movie Maker and an hour of boredom on a wet Sunday afternoon).

All quotes from Barack Obama guaranteed 110% true!

Who would have thought Barack had quite such strange views on the subject of climate change?

For those who doubt their own ears, here is a transcript of Obama's message:

"America will invest 150 billion dollars over 10 years in the climate change all of us so desperately want - to condemn future generations to global catastrophe.

"We see the effects of global climate change in our communities and around the world make America a little but stronger and a little bit safer and a little bit more prosperous.

"Business will be allowed to emit any greenhouse gases for free as a central part of our national security strategy – we’ve been hiding that for a long time."
The video closes with the blessings of God on all the Democratic Party candidates.

(Thanks to Mozart and Marvin Gaye.)

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