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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Dr. A Show 181 Wrap-up: Reunion | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Dr. A Show 181 Wrap-up: Reunion

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I'm just catching up on these wrap-up shows for prior podcasts. Doctor Anonymous Show 181 orignially aired a couple of weeks ago. That same evening was my 20 year high school reunion. And during Show 181, and in the video above, I discuss the reasons why I did not attend my reunion. And, I admit that I got mixed feedback on why I didn't attend. I really appreciate your discussion on this!

If you missed the show, don't worry! You can listen to the show in the player on the sidebar of this blog. You can also download the show and listen anytime by going to the iTunes page for the show. In addition, please check out the Facebook page for the show and hit the huge "Like" button at the top. Finally, if you like the video above, check out my other videos on my you tube page. Thanks for your continued support for the show!

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