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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Dr. A Show 182: Sept 11, 2010 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Dr. A Show 182: Sept 11, 2010

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Even though Doctor Anonymous Show 182 was a Saturday night show (and typically Saturday nite shows are lighter in content), Show 182 was on September 11, 2010. All the way back at Doctor Anonymous Show 48 in 2008 - I also shared comments about September 11. And, it is not my goal to make any kind of political statement. I just wanted to share some thoughts of what was going through my head. (Check out the video above which shares my comments about 9/11)

Of course, Show 182 did not totally encompass discussion on 9/11, there were other topics covered as well including some sports stories, entertainment stories and odd stories. As always, Kat was co-hosting with me on Saturday night. You can listen to the show right on this site on the player in the sidebar. You can also download the show and listen anytime by going to the iTunes page for the show. Don't forget to check out the Facebook page for the show and hit the big "Like" button at the top. I also invite you to check out my You Tube page in which I have some TV interviews with local TV news about a variety of health issues. Thanks for your continued support for the show!

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