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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Pomepiiana XXIV.4, December 1997 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Pomepiiana XXIV.4, December 1997

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Content: "Fabula de Iesu Natu Latina Vulgari Scripta a Sancto Hieronymo", "Pontifex Maximus: Tum et Nunc", "Sorry, Millennium Watchers, You Missed It!", "Saturnalia Gambling" poem, "Fulvia, A Woman of Action", "Ludus Talarius", "Daedalus et Icarus" poem, "The Story of Mt. Olympus", "An Old Man's Tale", "Word Mystery", "What Holy Grail?", "Hey, Aeneas, Tell Us a Story!", "Marpessa and Apollo" poem

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