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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community 100th issue! Pompeiiana XV.4, December 1988 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

100th issue! Pompeiiana XV.4, December 1988

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Welcome to the 100th issue of Pompeiiana!Content: "Grus Grata", "The Roman Saturnalia", "12th National Chariathon provides a Glorious End to a Grand Tradition", "Poets on Parade", "Musae Romanae" poem, "A Deponent Ditty", "What Do You Mean You Can't Spell?", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Soccer No New Game", "I Guess You Had to Be There", "Latin Lives On (ad infinitum), "Io! Saturnalia! No, Happy New Year!

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