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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Pompeiiana XXVII.5, January 2001 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Pompeiiana XXVII.5, January 2001

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Content: "Drew" (Barrymore article in Latin), "The Land of the Sirens", "Millenio Novo Faustum Felix Tibi Sit!", "Ancient Advice for Bush and Gore", "The Role of the Fathr in Ancient Rome", "Horoscope", assorted poems, "Monsters Under Your Bed?", "Acting Up at Eleusis", "I Like Bacchus!", "Homer's Odyssey in 68 Verses", "Zeus is Doing O.K.", "Legends of the Zodiac", "Rethinking Olympus", Roga Me

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drew barrymore

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