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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Going to Summer Camp | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Going to Summer Camp

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After a long weekend on call, I had a great interview at the TV studio today. The topic for this segment is medical issues to think about before sending your child to summer camp. Over the past couple of weeks or so, at the office, we've been seeing a lot of kids needing physicals and paperwork getting ready for summer camp.

A year ago, H1N1 was more in the news and I remember some isolated outbreaks that closed some summer camps. So, I'm still recommending immunization. I get questions from parents about meningitis and MMR vaccines. If in the recommended age group, I definitely recommend these as well.

Probably one of the most important issues I talk with parents about is the management of chronic medical problems - like asthma. For example, what would happen of your child's asthma got worse during camp? Do you, your child, your doctor, and your camp have a plan if this happens? This is definitely something to talk about with your physician.

If you enjoy this segment, I encourage you to check out more of my TV interviews about health topics, by clicking here, or by heading over to MikeSevilla.TV. I also invite you to check out the Facebook page of my podcast where I interview the best people in medicine and social media on my podcast called The Doctor Anonymous Show.

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