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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Dr. A Show 170 Wrap-Up: Ray Saputelli | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Dr. A Show 170 Wrap-Up: Ray Saputelli

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Thanks again to Ray Saputelli for being my guest on Doctor Anonymous Show 170 last night. Ray is the Executive Vice President of the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians. Their organization is going to be having their annual meeting next week in Atlantic City. Check out the "trailer" for their meeting that is on the meeting website.

Our discussion started out by why every American deserves a Family Physician (check out the video segment here). We talked about their upcoming meeting next week and along with how they utilize social media at the association organization level (check out the video segment here). The opening moments of the show can be caught on video here. I also pasted the video segments on this post.

As always, you can listen to Doctor Anonymous Show 170 on the audio player that can be found in the sidebar. Or, if you like, you can download the show and listen anytime, just by clicking here. I do want to apologize for the technical problems that occurred at the end of show 170 where the show abruptly ended for some reason. Not really sure what happened with that...

I also encourage you to check out past shows that you can download at DoctorAnonymous.Org. Don't forget to check out the Facebook page for the show and press the huge "LIKE" button at the top of the facebook fan page. Thanks for your continued support of the show!

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