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This Week’s Sewing Reveries

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This week was all about sewing productivity… or, actually,about the absence of such. 

Source: Flickr Commons
I feel like I have been focusing much more onlearning and on the sewing process as such than on getting garments finished.So, this leaves me with 10 UFOs (aka unfinished objects)... {I know some of my loyal readers and friends will sympathize}

Little help with UFOs

Talking about UFOs, do you have any tips to help stayfocused on your projects? I thought a plan would help. Not the one in anotebook, but something  public,for more transparency.  AWork-in-Progress widget on my blog (does it actually exist?). Anyway…

Source: Flickr Commons
…finishing projects together is so much more fun!

Wouldn’t it be fun, if we all showcased our finished objectsonce a week, or whenever they are done. So, I am adding a small widget whereyou can link to your finished project. Every Sunday, I will be posting anew link collection and you will have a few days to add a URL and an image thatwill link to your blog or gallery.

What I haveaccomplished this week…

{I am blushing} … BECAUSE,
  • I spent the week practicing hand-worked buttonholes
  • started a Faux Fur Class with Kenneth D. King onPatternReview and
  • took apart a fox fur jacket I got from my mom (it did needquite a few alterations to become wearable again). I like fur generally, but would rather restyle an older piece than buy a new skin... 
  • guest blogged about Beeswax on Burdastyle, and acquireda collections of beeswax cakes to compare, lol – I need help, readers.
  • tried to re-watch Star Wars on Netflix or Amazon Prime –to no avail, duh. DVDs cost over $100 on Amazon, or you have to subscribe toNetflix DVD service.  That’s the firstoccasion I wish I had a Blockbuster around the corner.

My plans for the next week…

Errr… finishing UFOs?

So, how does it sound, friends? Shall we start linking up our finished projects? If yes, tomorrow is the start date - I will post the first link widget for everyone to join! 

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week in review

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