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Semarak 4 tahun HN Community
Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Crossing the Rubicon | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Crossing the Rubicon

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A trip to IKEA and re-arrangement of almost entire furniture in my sewing / working room (and elsewhere) led to a few revelations:

1. I own enough fabric to sew at least two seasons wardrobe. Now, it's time to use it! Fall wardrobe sewing is planned to start next week.

2. I got way too many (vintage) patterns. And I made a decision and am going to offer some of those for giveaways and some for sale on eBay. I mean, I want to let go over 100 patterns! I loved all of them, but I will never sew them - so stay tuned to announcements here!

Alea iacta est, readers! Do you sympathize? 

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