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Social Health at BlogWorldExpo 2010

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Just wanted to give a big shout out to my friends out in Las Vegas for BlogWorld Expo 2010. Last year, I was proud to be a part of the first Medblogger Track (now called the Social Health) track at #BWE09. I encourage you to check out a bunch of posts about #BWE09 from October 2009. This year's schedule is another impressive lineup. You can check out the entire #BWE10 schedule by clicking here.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend this year's meeting. But, I will definitely be monitoring the twitter stream to see what is happening out there. I also wanted to announce that I am going to be canceling tomorrow night's scheduled Doctor Anonymous Show. Starting with the travel fiasco yesterday in trying to leave Seattle, being on call tonight, and going out of town again this weekend, I gotta find some time to catch up on the office work. I apologize for the inconvenience. I encourage you to check out the video below to see the highlights of last year's meeting. Enjoy!

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