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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Dr. A Show 190 Wrap-up | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Dr. A Show 190 Wrap-up

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Thanks to all those who were able to listen to Doctor Anonymous Show 190 live last night. I talked about this week's Digital Pharma East meeting in Philadelphia. During the show, I talked about the 2 panels that I was lucky enough to be a part of. I also talked about some people that I met at the meeting.

In the video clip above, I make some predictions of where I see the industry going. There is no way that pharma or even docs like me are going to push physicians into digital or into social media (at least right away). Who will push docs in this direction? Check out the video above to find out what I think.

You can listen to the entire audio podcast in the player in the sidebar. Or, if you like, you can go to the show's iTunes page, download Show 190, and listen at your leisure. I also encourage you to check out the show's facebook page and hit the big "Like" button at the top. Finally, if you enjoyed the video above, I encourage you to check my youtube page. Have a great weekend everybody!

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