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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community FMEC 2010 Site | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

FMEC 2010 Site

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For those of you who follow me on twitter, you may remember that I tweeted out the message above stating that I was excited about a new project that I was a part of. Well, in this post, I will share this with you. I am going to be part of a panel during Halloween Weekend coming up next month in Hershey, Pennsylvania at the Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC 2010) NE Region Conference. I'm going to be talking about (what else) - Social Media and Family Medicine.

And, in getting ready for the conference, my enthusiasm got the best of me in that I created a "fan page" devoted to the FMEC 2010 meeting. Why is it a "fan page?" Well, it's definitely unofficial and not necessarily endorsed by the organization and I am solely the one responsible for the content of the page.

Anyway, my goal in the creation of the page is to hopefully generate dialogue between and among the attendees to the meeting. The meeting participants can be from community family physicians, family physician educators, residents and medical students. It's no secret that I'm excited about social media and I hope to spread the excitement to my peers on this subject. So, if you are a family doc and/or going to the FMEC 2010 meeting, I encourage you to check out my site and spark some discussion over there! (also check out the video below in which I welcome people to the site)

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