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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Sorting Through Social Media | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Sorting Through Social Media

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As I finish up this long weekend of holiday on-call during this Independence Day weekend, I've decided that I'm going to try to get back to writing and finding my blogging voice again. Can you believe that it was four years ago when I started this blog? And, I used to write every day? Sometimes, I would write more than one post a day.

Must, like most things, when the excitement faded, my eagerness to write also faded. Plus, I started a live internet show (ie - live podcast), and that took a lot of time to put together. Regardless, I'm going to try to get back to writing again. I know by watching my number of visits to the blog - that most people have stopped reading. So, this will be fun to try to get back to try to write interesting stuff again.

I was in San Francisco last week at a conference. And, one of the questions that I had for the hard core users of Social Media was this - How do you sort through the information overload that we call Social Media? And, I got some great practical advice from people who do this every day. For example, what does your desktop look like when you're catching up on Social Media?

If you saw my previous post, I'm trying to clean up and change the look of the blog a little bit. I'm trying out the templates that are over here on blogger. In addition, I've been reorganizing my google reader a little bit as well. I'm going to try this out in trying to sort through reading blog posts and reading tweets. Yes, I'm going to try to get back and reading/commenting on blogs again. I really feel bad about being absent from the comment areas of my fave blogs.

So, since I'm taking a little break from the show, I'm going to try to re-explore some of the other areas of social media which I have been neglecting. But, an interesting question that I have for anyone who reads this is this question - What do you use to sort through social media? Do you use an RSS feed reader? Do you now get most of your info through twitter and a twitter reader like tweetdeck? I'm trying to find an efficient way to sort through all of this stuff....

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