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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Dr. A Show 172 Wrap-Up: Bryan Vartabedian | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Dr. A Show 172 Wrap-Up: Bryan Vartabedian

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Thanks so much to Dr. Bryan Vartabedian for being on Doctor Anonymous Show 172. He is founder of the website in which he does commentary on medicine and social media issues.

He is known on twitter as @Doctor_V and we are going to be presenting at the Digital Pharma West conference in San Francisco on June 30, 2010. In the video above, we discuss some possible reasons why physicians have been slow to adapt to social media platforms. I hope to post other brief video segments when I get a chance to edit them.

You can listen to the entire audio podcast in the player below. You can also download the entire audio podcast and listen anytime by clicking here. If you enjoy the show, check out the Facebook page for the show and you can even download other shows over at the iTunes page. Check out other of my videos on my YouTube page.

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