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Dr. A Show 172: Bryan Vartabedian

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BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Thursday, June 24th, 2010 at 9pm ET

I invite you to join me this week for Doctor Anonymous Show 172 with guest Dr. Bryan Vartabedian who is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Texas Children's Hospital and the Baylor College of Medicine. He is known on twitter as @Doctor_V and is author of the blog where he discusses medicine and social media topics. (also check out his interview above at this year's SXSH2010 and my video promo below)

Next week in San Francisco, the Digital Pharma West conference will take place at the Parc 55 Wyndham hotel. Bryan and I will be on a panel there, talking about physicians, social media, and marketing. The panel includes Jason Appel, Scott Ellis, and Dean Sawyer. Here are some of the questions (according to the copy of the pamphlet I have):

*Why are there so few physicians in the social space?
*Communicating directly with docs online: What is working and what isn't?
*How to walk the delicate line between providing physicians with educational information versus marketing messages
*How emerging technology is intergrated into the physician workflow and how can pharmaceutical marketers best participate

If you are new to the show, I encourage you to catch us live. There is a great chat room that also goes on. You can even see my shining face on the webcam. In addition, you can call into the show to say hello. Can't catch us live? That's ok. You can listen anytime after the show as it is saved as a podcast so you can listen anytime!

For first time Blog Talk Radio listeners:
*Although it is not required to listen to the show, I encourage you to register on the BlogTalkRadio site prior to the show. I think it will make the process easier.

*To get to my show site, click here. As show time gets closer, keep hitting "refresh" on your browser until you see the "Play/Chat" button. Then, of course, press the "Play/Chat" button.

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