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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Dr. A Show 171 Wrap-up: Dr. Kim Yu | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Dr. A Show 171 Wrap-up: Dr. Kim Yu

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Thanks to Dr. Kim Yu for being my guest for Doctor Anonymous Show 171. She is a Family Physician in solo private practice in the Metro Detroit area. The first part of the interview talks about how she came to find Family Medicine as a specialty. We then talked about her life as a solo physician and her interest in areas like minority medicine topics. We concluded the interview with talking about social media topics.

I also encourage you to check out the video segments in this post including the opening moments to the show, Dr. Yu's comments about being a solo physician, and our discussion about medicine and social media.

You can listen to the entire audio podcast in the player below. You can also download the entire audio podcast and listen anytime by clicking here. If you enjoy the show, check out the Facebook page for the show and you can even download other shows over at the iTunes page. Check out other of my videos on my YouTube page.

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