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Dr. A Show 168 Wrap-up: Dr. Deb Clements

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Thanks again to Deb Clements, MD for being my guest on Doctor Anonymous Show 168. She is the Program Director for the Family Medicine Residency Program at the University of Kansas Medical Center. I started the interview by asking her what makes her passionate about Family Medicine. We then discussed her love of medical education and a little about where she works in a university type setting and a little about the residency program.

We then discussed her visit through Haiti. This opportunity was made possible through the organization called Heart To Heart International. I'm familiar with this group and they do excellent work. If you're looking for a possible international health experience, I would definitely check out their website.

In the video above, Deb and I discuss what it was like being on the ground there. I know that you can really never know unless you're there. But, Deb did a great job of describing what it was like. In one part of the interview, she said that the location she was staying had internet access, but no hot water. Can you imagine that?

You can listen to the entire audio podcast of Doctor Anonymous Show 168 in the player below. Or, if you like, you can download the show and listen anytime by clicking here. I also encourage you to download other Dr. A Shows over on the show's iTunes page. Also, don't forget to check out the Facebook Fan page for the show and hit the huge "Like" button. (also check out the opening moments to the show in the video below) Thanks so much for your continued support for the show!

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