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Video Blogging Med School

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Here is another example of how/why social media is so cool. This morning someone on twitter, "re-tweeted" my link about today being American Heart Month (btw, thanks to everyone who retweets my stuff. i really appreciate it). When I clicked on his blog, I found out that Bryan Mccolgan is a third year medical student at Columbia and has been video blogging (vlogging) his entire third year of medical school. In the video below, he talks about the very first time he was in the OR. Ah, yes, I remember my first day going into the OR.

Anyway, there are more videos on his blog called Becoming A Doctor. I encourage you to check it out (don't forget to tell him Dr. A sent ya - HA!) - also follow him on twitter. I've only been able to check out a few videos this afternoon, but what I've seen is good stuff. I've also put out an invite for him to be on The Doctor Anonymous Show. Hopefully, he'll be interested and will find the time (in a busy third year med school schedule) to be on the show. Enjoy this innovative blog!

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