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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Show 143 Wrapup: Dean Brandon | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Show 143 Wrapup: Dean Brandon

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Thanks so much to Dr. Dean Brandon for being my guest on Doctor Anonymous Show 143. We had a great conversation about his early influences which guided him toward his career as a pediatric dentist. I had no idea that his parents were NASA scientists. We also talked about the training process behind becoming a pediatric dentist. (Why the picture of Steve Martin above from Little Shop of Horrors? Check out the opening song of Show 143 and you'll know why)

His website is called "Pediatric Dentistry" and we talked about how his posts are a reflection of what he tells parents and patients all the time about certain dental conditions. One of his posts called "My Child Tooth Is Turning Dark" has garnered over 100 comments.

Finally, we discussed some of the experiences he has had in the social media sphere including meeting up with internet celebrities like Gary Vaynerchuk and Chad Vader - and also an interesting story about meeting up with actor Anthony Edwards at BlogWorld Expo last year.

As always, you can listen to the show on the player above. Or, if you like, you can download the show and listen anytime by clicking here. Thanks to everyone who listened live (especially Jabulani who listened to the show live at 2am in England) and those who have/will listen on the archives. My next show will be Saturday, February 6th at 9pm Eastern Time. Hope to see you for Doctor Anonymous Show 144 this weekend! (also check out my video post below)

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