- Ke-Sen Huang's comprehensive and invaluable Conference Paper Link Archive
Mesh Libraries and Tools
- GTS (2D dynamic/constrained Delaunay triangulation, robust geometric predicates, mesh boolean set operations, refinement/coarsening, view-independent continuous LOD, view-dependent LOD, AABB-trees, Kd-trees, graph partitioning, isosurfacing, area, volume, mean/gaussian/principal curvature, stripification) (S. Rusinkiewicz)
- trimesh2 mesh library (read PLY/OFF/3DS/OBJ, write PLY/OFF/OBJ, subdivision, smoothing, curvature estimation, triangle stripping, ICP, cleanup, decimation, basic shapes)
- OpenMesh (PLY/OBJ, halfedge mesh, decimation, Loop/Sqrt3 subdivision, view-dependent progressive meshes, stripification) (J. Möbius, M. Habbecke)
- CGAL (2D/3D halfedge mesh, tet meshes) [full packages list] (Authors)
- export PLY/STL/OFF/OBJ/3DS/COLLADA/VRML/DXF/GTS/U3D/IDTF/X3D, selection/smoothing painting, linear measurements, export planar slices, mesh decimation/repair/optimization, mesh alignment) [All Filters] (Authors)
- OpenFlipper (import/export OFF/OBJ/PLY/STL/STLA/STLB/OM, selection tools w/ surface/volume lasso and sphere brush, decimation, smoothing, edge/face editing) (J. Möbius)
- mview (read/view PMesh/GTS/OFF/COFF/PLY/VRML/Shallo/VTK ASCII POLYDATA/OBJ) (H. Cantzler, T. Breckon)
- PLY Tools (read/write PLY)
- ply2vri (convert PLY mesh to signed-distance volumetric grid, VRI/PPM formats) (B.Allen)
- JMeshLib (read/write OFF/PLY/STL/VRML1/VRML2/OBJ/IV 2.1) (M. Attene)
- ReMESH (automatic manifold repair, isolated component removal, hole filling, handle removal, degenerate triangle removal, sharp feature recovery, defect detection and hilighting, manual repair tools) (M. Attenne)
Shape Modeling
- CGAL Subdivision Demo (Sqrt3, Quad-Triangle, Catmull-Clark, Doo-Sabin) (L.-J. Shiue, P. Alliez, R. Ursu, L. Kettner)
- interactive mesh deformation (S. Yoshizawa)
- manifold harmonics shape deformation (B. Vallet, B. Lévy)
- Graphite (Catmull-Clark subdivision) (Authors)
- MeshLab(loop/butterfly/midpoint subdivision) (Authors)
- 3D Model Synthesis from examples (P. Merrell)
- efpisoft: hierarchical mesh segmentation based on fitting primitives (M. Attene)
- mesh segmentation benchmark database and viewer (X. Chen, A. Golovinskiy, T. Funkhouser)
- Graphite (variational shape approximation, image vectorization) [documentation wiki] (Authors)
- Shape Segmentation and Shape Matching from Point Cloud (T. Dey, S. Goswami)
- ShapeAnnotator segmentation tool (fitting primitives, barycentric/height/integral geodesic Morse, Plumber, Lloyd clustering) (Authors)
- Shape Diameter Function (SDF) segmentation tool (L. Shapira)
- fast stretch-minimizing parameterization (includes shape-preserving/Tutte/harmonic parameterization, and natural conformal parameterization ) (S. Yoshizawa)
- Graphite (ABF, ABF++, DPBF, LSCM, HLSCM, Barycentric, mean-value coordinates, L2 stretch, spectral conformal, Periodic Global Parameterization, Constrained texture mapping, texture atlas generation) [documentation wiki] (Authors)
- CGAL (LSCM, discrete conformal/authalic, Floater mean-value, Tutte barycentric) [full packages list] (Authors)
Mesh Processing
- mesh smoothing/denoising by averaging with similarity-based weights (S. Yoshizawa)
- estimating curvature tensors on triangle meshes with CGAL (P. Alliez)
- Graphite (mesh curvature, uniform remeshing, mesh repair, volume meshing, manifold harmonics, appearance-preserving simplification, normal mapping) [documentation wiki] (Authors)
- CGAL (mesh simplification, mesh ridges/umbilics, mesh curvature)[full packages list] (Authors)
- MeshLab (discrete curvature, monte-carlo/stratified/poisson-disk mesh sampling, Hausdorff distance between meshes, uniform remeshing, voronoi vertex clustering, laplacian/Taubin smoothing, mesh unsharp mask, geodesic distances) [All Filters] (Authors)
- Simplification Envelopes generate mesh level-of-detail hierarchies (J. Cohen, A. Varshney, G. Turk)
- Volfill fill holes in mesh using volumetric diffusion (S. Marschner, K. Berglund)
- trimeshinfo: compute mesh properties (manifold, genus, orientation, volume, self-intersection, boundaries, connected components, ...) (Authors)
- Discrete Laplace Operator on Meshed Surfaces [Page] (J. Sun, M. Belkin, Y. Wang)
- Delaunay meshing of surfaces and volumes (T. Dey, T. Ray)
- DelIso: delaunay meshing of isosurfaces (T. Dey, J. Levine)
- SurfRemesh: Delaunay Remeshing of Polygonal Surfaces (T. Dey, T. Ray)
- TriMesh2MT: convert polygon mesh to Multi-Triangulation (M. Attenne, E. Danovaro, P. Magillo)
- approximating gradients on meshes and point coulds via diffusion metric (C. Luo, I. Safa, Y. Wang)
Point Set Processing
- QPoly: meshing scattered 3D points (Y. Ohtake)
- SLIM: sparse low-degree implicits (fitting, rendering, reflection lines, analytic curvature measures, crest lines, suggestive contours) (Y. Ohtake, A. Belyaev, M. Alexa)
- Multi-scale Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions (Y. Ohtake)
- MeshLab (ICP range-map alignment, ball pivoting, point-set normals, Robust Implicit MLS (RIMLS), Algebraic point-set surface (APSS), Poisson surface reconstruction) [All Filters] (Authors)
- Vrip (convert aligned range images to volumetric format, extract mesh surface) (B. Curless)
- Zipper (combine range images into polygonal mesh) (G. Turk, H. Ge, B. Curless)
- Scanalyze (manual/ICP alignment and merging of range image data, fill holes, decimation, editing, PLY/SD formats) (Authors)
- QSplat (real-time multiresolution point-set rendering) (S. Rusinkiewicz, G. King)
- Constructing Laplace Operator from Point Clouds in R^d [Page] (J. Sun, M. Belkin, Y. Wang)
- NormFet: Approximating Normals and Feature Sizes from Noisy Point Clouds (T. Dey, J. Sun, L. Molnar)
- AMLS for Smoothing Noisy Point Clouds (T. Dey, J. Sun)
- Cocone: Delaunay meshing of point sets with boundaries (T. Dey, J. Giesen)
- Tight Cocone: water-tight Delaunay meshing of point sets using approximate medial axis (T. Dey, S. Goswami, W. Zhao)
- SuperCocone: efficient Delaunay meshing of large point sets (T. Dey, J. Hudson)
- RobustCocone: Delaunay meshing of noisy point sets (T. Dey, S. Goswami)
- 4-points Congruent Sets for Robust Surface Registration (D. Aiger, N. Mitra, D. Cohen-Or)
- CGAL (Poisson reconstruction, spacing estimation, simplification, outlier removal, smoothing, normal estimation, orientation estimation)[full packages list] (Authors)
- integral estimation on a k-manifold embedded in R-d (C. Luo, J. Sun, Y. Wang)
- discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator on point clouds [Page] (C. Luo, I. Safa, Y. Wang)
Computational Geometry
- 2D voronoi diagrams with CGAL (P. Alliez)
- TRIANGLE: 2D high-quality exact/constrained/conforming Delaunay triangulations (J. Shewchuk)
- Stellar: a tetrahedral mesh improvement program (B. Klingner, J. Shewchuk)
- manifold approximation of 3D medial axis (S. Yoshizawa)
- CGAL (n-D geometry, 2D/3D spherical geometry, n-D convex hull, 2D/3D/spherical booleans, 2D minkowski sums, 2D polygon partition/offset/skeleton, 2D curve intersection, 2D/3D envelopes, 2D/3D triangulation, 2D/3D alpha shapes, 2D delaunay/voronoi/apollonius/conforming delaunay/conforming gabriel, 3D delaunay isosurfacing, 3D skin surface, n-D spatial data structures, bounding volumes, optimal distances, least-squares geometry fitting, 2D/surface function interpolation, kinetic data structures, AABB Tree, 3D periodic triangulations, tetrahedral meshing w/ implicit/volume/polyhedral boundaries) [full packages list] (Authors)
- METRO: measure differences between triangular meshes (Authors)
- BOOLE convert CSG to Brep (curved solid primitives, polygonal solids) (T. Culver)
- MAPC: exact manipulation of algebraic points and curves in the plane (D. Manocha, J. Keyser, T. Culver, M. Foskey, S. Krishnan)
- Fast Polygon Triangulation based on Seidel's Algorithm (A. Narkhede, D. Manocha)
- Fast Distance Field and Generalized Voronoi Diagram Computation using Graphics Hardware (Authors)
- UNC GAMMA Collision Detection/Proximity Query Packages (penetration depth, intersection detection, tolerance verification, exact and approximate distance computation, separation distance, contact determination, Minkowski sums, Lin-Canny closest features, uniform grid spatial decomposition, OBB/Swept-Sphere/convex-hull bounding-volume hierarchies, polygon soups, rigid motion)
- DeformCD: collision detection for deformable models (M. Tang, D. Manocha)
- CurveSkel: 1D curve skeleton of 3D shape (T. Dey, J. Sun)
- Shortest paths on a polyhedral surface (B. Kaneva, J. O'Rourke)
P/NP Rendering
- rtsc: suggestive contours/highlights, principal hilights, apparent ridges, etc (D. DeCarlo, A. Finkelstein, S. Rusinkiewicz, A. Santella, M. Burns, J. Klawe)
- fast and robust detection of crest lines on meshes (mesh denoising, mesh curvature) (S. Yoshizawa)
- xshade: exaggerated shading rendering (S. Rusinkiewicz, M. Burns, D. DeCarlo)
- jot: NPR library
- TAGL: software rasterizer (B. Levy)
- ShadeVis: compute per-vertex ambient occlusion term (Authors)
- farthest-point seeding for placement of streamlines in 2D vector fields with CGAL (A. Mebarki)
- MeshLab (vertex/face ambient occlusion) (Authors)
- Antimony (poisson-disk sample generation) (D. Dunbar, G. Humphreys)
- LumosQuad (2D lighting simulation and rendering, quadtree conjugate gradient Poisson solver) (T. Kim, M. Lin)
- OpenEXR (read/write/view OpenEXR HDR images)
- bv (BRDF browser, many analytic and empirical BRDF included) (S. Rusinkiewicz)
- VolPack (fast volume rendering with shear/warp factorization) (P. Lacroute)
- LightPack (light field authoring and rendering)
- aperture (light-field viewer)
- FlexiStickers: Photogrammetric Texture Mapping using Casual Images (Y. Tzur, A. Tal)
Simulation / Animation
- Inverse Kinematics for Serial Manipulators (D. Manocha, Y. Zhu)
- El Topo (robust surface tracking with triangle meshes) (T. Brochu, R. Bridson)
- CNC: CUDA sparse symmetric matrix solver (L. Buatois, G. Caumon, B. Levy)
- OpenNL: Open Numerical Library (direct/iterative sparse solvers, preconditioners, Least-Squares Conformal Maps (LSCM) implementation) (Authors)
- CGAL (LP linear programming, QP quadratic programming) (Authors)
- TAUCS (sparse preconditioned conjugate-gradient/minres, sparse Cholesky (sym-pos-semi-def), sparse LU, sparse LDLT) (S. Toledo, D. Chen, V. Rotkin)
- UMFPACK (unsymmetric sparse LU) (T. Davis)
- newmat (C++ dense matrix library [documentation]) (R. Davies)
- GPUFFTW (GPU power-of-two FFT library) (N. Govindaraju, D. Manocha)
- LUGPU (GPU dense-matrix LU decomposition) (N. Galoppo, N. Govindaraju, M. Henson, D. Manocha)
Data Sets
- Unwrapped (planar-parameterized) ABF++/LinABF Meshes (.OBJ format, includes normal maps and decimated meshes)
- AIM@SHAPE 3D model repository
- DemoGraphite (bunny, horse, tiger-face, octaflower, rocker arm, engine volume, skull volume)
- Georgia Tech Large Geometric Models Archive (Bunny,Turbine Blade,skeleton hand,dragon,buddha,horse,visible man,grand canyon,puget sound,angel)
- Stanford 3D Scanning Repository (bunny, drill bit, buddha, dragon, armadillo, lucy, asian dragon, manuscript, thai statue)
- Stanford Volume Data Archive (CThead, MRBrain, CTbunny)
- Stanford Light Field Archive
- UNC Dynamic Mesh Datasets (per-frame meshes, exploding dragon and bunny, cloth simulation, N-body simulation, falling letters)
- Image-Based 3D Models (VRML/TRI formats, multiple resolutions, textured [mesh viewer]) (C. Esteban, F. Schmitt)
- Multi-frame 3D scans from video depthmaps (triangulated point clouds, OBJ format,100-2200 frames) (T. Weise, B. Leibe, L. Van Gool)
- ETH Face Pose Range Image Data Set (10,000 640x480 range image point sets of 20 moving faces, read/write code) (M. Breitenstein, D. Kuettel, T. Weise, L. van Gool, H. Pfister)
- Stanford Calibration Grid Detector (V. Vaish)
Machine Learning
- Infer.Net - Bayesian Inference in Graphical Models (T. Minka, J. Winn, J. Guiver, A. Kannan)
- ANN - C++ approximate neareset-neighbours in dimensions ~(8,20) (D. Mount, S. Arya)
Other Stuff |
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- Array Manipulation Tips and Tricks
- Iain Murray's Tips and Tricks and utilities
- Marios Athineos Tips and Tricks
- Tom Minka's Lightspeed Toolbox
- Iain Murray's Latex Notes (squeezing)
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