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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Pompeiiana XXV.6, February 1999 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Pompeiiana XXV.6, February 1999

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Content: "Iohannes C. Mellencastra: Pictor, Scriptor, Musicus Saxosus!", "Io, Lupercalia!", "The Story of the Quirinal", "Ovid's Fasti", "Happy Valentine's Day" poem, "I, Pandora" poem, "A Pompeian Love Story for Valentine's Day", "The Myth of Cupid and Psyche", "Psyche, In Medias Res" poem, "Carmina Burana" poem, "Interlinear Love" poem, "Winter Wonderland" poem, "Alcyone and Ceyx" poem, "The

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