Farshid Farhat 's Academic Homepage
- images/farshid.farhat.frash.logo.ico
- images/frash.jpg
- About frash
- Networking
- Ad-hoc Networks Security
- Security Improvement of Ad-hoc Networks Routing Protocol
- frash_bsc_thesis.pdf
- Optical CDMA Network Simulator (OCNS)
- networking/ocns/frash.bsc.thesis.pdf
- networking/ocns/OCNS.cpp
- networking/ocns/Bit.h
- networking/ocns/Buffer.h
- networking/ocns/ChildFrm.h
- networking/ocns/Chip.h
- networking/ocns/Code.h
- networking/ocns/Counter.h
- networking/ocns/CRC.h
- networking/ocns/Data.h
- networking/ocns/DataDialog.h
- networking/ocns/FIR.h
- networking/ocns/FIRDialog.h
- networking/ocns/Frame.h
- networking/ocns/GetNumDialog.h
- networking/ocns/Header.h
- networking/ocns/MainFrm.h
- networking/ocns/Medium.h
- networking/ocns/MediumDialog.h
- networking/ocns/MSFlexGrid.h
- networking/ocns/OCNS.h
- networking/ocns/CntrItem.h
- networking/ocns/OCNSDoc.h
- networking/ocns/OCNSView.h
- networking/ocns/Resource.h
- networking/ocns/Font.h
- networking/ocns/Picture.h
- networking/ocns/RowCursor.h
- networking/ocns/Rx.h
- networking/ocns/RxDialog.h
- networking/ocns/Sim.h
- networking/ocns/SimDialog.h
- networking/ocns/SimShowDialog.h
- networking/ocns/StdAfx.h
- networking/ocns/Tx.h
- networking/ocns/TxDialog.h
- networking/ocns/TxRx.h
- The Simulation and Implementation of Bluetooth Protocol
- Cryptology (Cryptography and Cryptanalysis)
- Cryptology Sessions
- آشنایی با رمزنگاری
- cryptology/rijndael-animation.exe
- cryptology/animal.zip
- Student Branch of Iranian Society of Cryptology
- امنيت پروتکلهاي مسيريابي در شبکه هاي اقتضايي Routing Protocols Security in Ad-hoc Networks
- Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) Security امنیت شبکه های سیار اقتضایی
- cryptology/cypto_tutorial.swf
- Security
- frash_msc_thesis.pdf
- security/umtssec.pptx
- security/gsmsec.pptx
- security/wiretapchannel.pptx
- security/netcodingsec.pptx
- Security in Adhoc Networks امنیت در شبکه های اقتضایی سیار بیسیم
- security/web/Attack Againt IIS-2.pdf
- security/web/botnet.pdf
- security/web/cisco.pdf
- security/web/Contact-Hackers1.pdf
- security/web/Contact-Hackers2.pdf
- security/web/Contact-Hackers3.pdf
- security/web/Contact-Hackers4.pdf
- security/web/DNS Attacking Protocol Edition 1.pdf
- security/web/info-gathering1.pdf
- security/web/ipsec1.pdf
- security/web/IranPrisons Hacking Eposed.pdf
- security/web/l0pht Hackers.doc
- security/web/Mail_Security.pdf
- security/web/Mail_Security2.pdf
- security/web/Make a Secure Conection.pdf
- security/web/Microsoft Internet Information Server Attack.pdf
- security/web/shadow software attack.pdf
- security/web/The Methodology of web hacking.pdf
- security/web/URL.pdf
- security/web/URL2.pdf
- security/web/Virus_Ch1.pdf
- security/web/Virus_ch2.pdf
- security/web/virus_ch3.pdf
- security/web/virus_ch4.pdf
- security/web/Web Server Hacking1.pdf
- security/web/Web_Traditional_And_New_Attack.pdf
- security/web/WebArchitectur-Interview.pdf
- security/web/WebSecurity in MS ASP .Net1.pdf
- security/web/wirelesshacking.pdf
- Information Theory
- frash Links
- Table of Contents
- resume.pdf
- courses/1st/فیزیک.htm
- courses/2nd/شیمی.htm
- courses/2nd/رزرو.htm
- courses/2nd/علوم ریاضی.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی هوا فضا.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی عمران.htm
- courses/2nd/علوم و فناوری نانو.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی کامپیوتر.htm
- courses/1st/علوم و فن آوری نانو.htm
- courses/2nd/پژوهشکده الکترونیک.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی صنایع.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی انرژی.htm
- courses/2nd/گروه برنامه ریزی سیستم ها.htm
- courses/1st/شیمی.htm
- courses/1st/مرکز معارف.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی کامپیوتر.htm
- courses/1st/آب و انرژی.htm
- courses/1st/مرکز گرافیک.htm
- courses/2nd/مرکز کارگاه ها.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی و علم مواد.htm
- مساله تجزیه اعداد صحیح
- courses/1st/مهندسی صنایع.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی علم و مواد.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی شیمی و نفت.htm
- courses/1st/گروه فلسفه علم.htm
- courses/2nd/زبانها.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی انرژی.htm
- courses/1st/زبان ها و زبان شناسی.htm
- courses/2nd/مرکز معارف.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی هوافضا.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی برق.htm
- courses/2nd/آب و انرژی.htm
- courses/2nd/فیزیک.htm
- courses/1st/مدیریت و اقتصاد.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی مکانیک.htm
- courses/1st/علوم ریاضی.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی عمران.htm
- courses/1st/مرکز تربیت بدنی.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی سیستم های انرژی.htm
- courses/1st/مهندسی مکانیک.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی شیمی و نفت.htm
- courses/1st/مرکز کارگاه ها.htm
- courses/2nd/مدیریت و اقتصاد.htm
- courses/2nd/گروه فلسفه علم.htm
- courses/2nd/مهندسی برق.htm
- courses/2nd/مرکز گرافیک.htm
- register.php
- courses/2nd/بیوشیمی.htm
- courses/2nd/مرکز تربیت بدنی.htm
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