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Dr. A Show 131 Preview: Dr. Lisa

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I hope you can join us this week for Doctor Anonymous Show 131 when our guest will be the blogger who calls herself "Dr. Lisa." She has two great blogs I encourage you to check out. The first is called "Call Me Dr. Lisa: Taking life and running with it." She was recently on a trip to mongolia and the excerpt below is from a post called "Mongolian Ingenuity."
The other day Monica and I were doing some teaching with the Mongolian doctors and nurses about hand hygeine and central line care. We were trying to make the point that careful attention to infection control could make a huge difference for them. An interesting conversation to have in a hospital that doesn't have toilet paper and in which it takes an act of congress to wash your hands. They did at least have alcohol gel readily available throughout. But I digress,

A baby returned from the operating room after getting a colostomy for imperferate anus. We were busily documenting the way they transported the baby with a pillow filled with oxgen that they squeezed to fill the mask they were using to bag the baby. Crazy...

Amira, my translator, hooking the oxygen pillow up for transport. Then they got the baby in his isolette and began to set up his ostomy. They were attaching a latex looking thing with a dam of sort that they tied to the skin. I looked at Monica and said "is that a.." She replied "female condom, yep!" There you go they had attached ties to a female condom and were using it as a colostomy bag. Brilliant really...
The second blog I encourage you to check out is called "Tale Of My Left Foot: My Journey Dealing With Liposarcoma In The Ankle." Below is the part of the very first posting of this blog, simply entitled, "Hello Blog:" (from 12/13/2006)
My friend Kim of the House of Prince convinced me to start a blog to chronicle the story of my left foot. Otherwise, known as the trials of tribulations of fighting cancer in the ankle. I am not sure that I'll be any good at blogging, but at least I'll be able to keep people updated about what is going on. So, here goes we'll see if this works for me.

Every so often someone newly diagnosed with a sarcoma finds my blog and I sometimes get emails commenting on how my story ends before the beginning. For those few of you who might find this and want to read it. One year after learning my diagnosis I wrote about it here.
So, I hope you can join us on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time for Doctor Anonymous Show 131. In case you didn't know, in addition to the live podcast, there is a chat room, a webcam of me, and your ability to call into the show to say hello. Hope you can join us this week for the show!

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