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Semarak 4 tahun HN Community
Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Pompeiiana XX1.7, March 1995 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Pompeiiana XX1.7, March 1995

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Content: "Qui Docuit E.T. Loqui Nunc XXIII Annos Natus Est", "A Rambling Man", "Then Fall Caesar" poem, "Whatever Happened to Calpurnia? Inquiring Female Latin Students Want to Know", "Sine Dubio Equus Est!", "Did Anybody Really Care What Time it Was?", "The Night I Saved the City", "Rota Fortunae", "Battle of the Orbs", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "Astro-Numismatics Anyone?", "Advice to Dido"

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