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Dr. A Show 110 Tonight!

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BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Thursday, August 20th, 2009 at 10pm Eastern Time (Note New Time Tonight)

I'd like to invite you to the show tonight. I have a hospital meeting and probably wouldn't be home until after the regularly scheduled show time tonight. I thought about just canceling the show, but, hey, I could not do that to all of you out there - hehe. So, I moved the show one hour back to 10pm ET.

What will I talk about? Who knows? There are no scheduled guests and no scheduled topics - just me talkin about whatever. I may draw on some recent news stories. Plus, you can check in by being in the chat room, or even call into the show to tell me how things are going with you. So, join me for The Doctor Anonymous Show number 110 - tonight! It'll be a good time. See you for the show! (Also check out the video post above)

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