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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Show 103 Preview | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Show 103 Preview

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This week, The Doctor Anonymous Show welcomes podcast guru Cliff Ravenscraft from to the show. In addition to presenting at Podcamp Ohio this month, Cliff is the founder of the podcast network, a podcast consultant, and also sells podcast equipment. If you haven't already figured out, Cliff does podcasting, not as a hobby, but as a living. He formerly had a lucrative job selling insurance, but walked away from that to pursue his passion of podcasting.

In addition to Podcamp and podcasting, we'll also discuss his most recent podcast creation, or has he calls it, a "lifestyle change" which has caused him to be "Pursuing A Balanced Life." One of these steps has been to put more emphasis on health and fitness. In the past 6 weeks, Cliff has lost 16 pounds - and we'll talk about how he did that. Like the rest of us, it is at times a struggle to balance work time and family time, and Cliff tells about this struggle in this new podcast as well.

I first met Cliff a year ago at Podcamp Ohio, and I will try to put that interview up tomorrow, so that you can learn a little about Cliff before our interview. So, join us on Thursday, June 11th, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time for The Doctor Anonymous Show. Hope to see you then!

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