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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Pre-Podcamp Show Wrapup | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Pre-Podcamp Show Wrapup

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I have to tell you that I am so happy for the show tonight. It didn't start off how I'd like. What do I mean by that? Well, I had a hospital meeting right before the show. About halfway through the meeting, I thought things were going ok and that I'd be on time at home for the live show. Then, there was that one agenda item which brought everything down. I ended up being about 5-10 minutes late for the show.

One of the great things about twitter is that as soon as I put a twitter post up - boom - there were about 5-7 people popping up in the chat room - incredible. So, you need to know that the show really didn't start going until about 13 minutes into the show. So, feel free to fast forward to that part to listen. (You can listen on the player above or download the show here)

Thanks so much to Angelo, Merry, and Daniel for hanging on through the majority of the show to discuss Podcamp. Thanks also to Jeremy, Rocky, Jamie, and Brother Wolf for calling into the show (I hope that I didn't forget anyone who called in). Two hour shows are usually fun, but my allergies have been bad and it was a real struggle to get through things tonight - Sorry if I didn't sound like myself.

But, I'm really looking forward to Podcamp Ohio coming up this weekend. You can keep up with my twitters as I journey down to Columbus and follow me as I get "the Podcamp experience." Wonder how Podcamp started, see the video above and read more about it over on the Podcamp Ohio site. Have a great weekend everybody, and if you're going to Podcamp, I'll see you there!

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