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Dr. A Show 105: Blogiversary

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I'm going to PodCamp Ohio, June 20, 2009

BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Thursday, June 18th, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time

Even though the official blogiversary date is tomorrow (My first blog post was June 19, 2006), we're gonna be celebrating my three years in the medical blogisphere tonight on The Doctor Anonymous Show. It's hard to believe that it has been this long already. Lots of blogs and come and gone in this time - and, to be honest, I thought this one would be one that would not quite be around that long. But, hey, hooray! Three years a still plugging along!

In addition to that, show 105 will also be the unofficial online kickoff party for Podcamp Ohio 2 which will be taking place in just two days in Columbus. Angelo, the Lead Organizer for #PCO2, had his final planning podcast last night, and will be joining us live for the show tonight. I hope that other people who are attending and/or presenting at #PCO2 will be calling into the show to talk about their sessions, or just calling in to say how excited they are about the upcoming event. Also check out my video post above that is on the Podcamp Ohio facebook page.

If you are new to the show, I encourage you to catch us live. There is a great chat room that also goes on. You can even see my shining face on the webcam. In addition, you can call into the show to say hello. Can't catch us live? That's ok. You can listen anytime after the show as it is saved as a podcast so you can listen later.

For first time Blog Talk Radio listeners:
*Although it is not required to listen to the show, I encourage you to register on the BlogTalkRadio site prior to the show. I think it will make the process easier.

*To get to my show site, click here. As show time gets closer, keep hitting "refresh" on your browser until you see the "Play/Chat" button. Then, of course, press the "Play/Chat" button.

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