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Semarak 4 tahun HN Community
Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Show 93 Wrap-up | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Show 93 Wrap-up

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Thanks to Angelo Mandato for coming on the first part of Show 93 to talk about Podcamp Ohio 2. It's hard to believe that it's only about 50 days away now. Angelo updated us on the planning process as well as talking about the sponsors for the event. We also talked about registration and encouraged attendees to also present a session at Podcamp this year. Sorry Angelo for cutting your time this evening for our 2nd topic....

For the bulk of the rest of the show, I thought it would be interesting to talk about what's going on with the swine flu. Apparently, we can't call it that anymore in favor of the en vogue term "H1N1 virus." Oh well. I gave just a little bit of clinical information. And, then there was a call from California - a health professional on the ground there. He shared his theory (which I agree with) as far as why the media is making a bigger story of this than it really should.

Then, I got two prank callers in a row. Want to see how I dealt with them? Well, you'll just have to listen to the show in the player above or download the show here and listen whenever you like. I also played you tube clips from a swine flu vaccine (from 30 years ago), from an amusing public service announcement "song," and finally a clip of what the vice president said today about traveling. Sunny also called in to share some thoughts about this situation. Sunny was trained as a nurse and lives in Texas.

Finally to close the show, I shared a little bit about my experience in Chicago last week during my conference and during my time with Annie & Burl - and also Kim. I think that I may expand on this a little more during the May Dr. A shows - we'll see. Following the BTR show this evening, I did a little post show on ustream. Those are always fun! But, now, it's time for bed. Have a great weekend everybody!

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