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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community Pompeiiana XII.1, September 1985 | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping

Pompeiiana XII.1, September 1985

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Content: Marty! "Reditus ad Futurum", "9th National Chariathon", "1985: Year of the Mysterious Etruscans", "Disci Summi et Auctores Eorum", "Roman Finance", "Sing Along with Sempronia", "Cognoscisne Televisionis Spectacula Latine Scripta?", "Holy Catapults, Batman!", "Derivative Dilemma" by Bernice Fox, "Mini Latin Puzzlers" by Robert Kent and C.R.J. Scott, "Matching Words of Wisdom" by Waltham

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