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Semarak 4 Tahun HN Community DUMB ECOLOGIST: Cloned meat | welcome to shoping news | simple shoping


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This week please panic about: Animal-free meat

This week’s Ecologist newsletter is almost a disappointment – the plug for the article “Flask-grown flesh” reads:
"… if radical vegan Ingrid Newkirk (of PETA) has her way, the nouvelle cuisine on vegetarian menus in five years time may be a big juicy steak."
Meat produced without animal suffering – sounds great. No more sheep, cattle, pigs kept in bad conditions; no more slaughterhouses; no more foot & mouth disease; no more sending male lambs to the abattoir. And … no more millions of animals burping methane into the atmosphere. It’s thought that up to 20% of global warming is created by animals exhaling CO2 and methane.

What’s not to like?

Just when you think there’s an article in the Ecologist that isn’t littered with platitude, misunderstanding and downright stupidity, Dumbness comes to the rescue.

In the Ecologist offices everyone is:
“... equally horrified by the idea – more so than eating dead animals.”

Why? Because PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is:
“… giving up on the battle to protect animals through social legislation and putting their faith (and money) into a technological silver bullet, a lab-cultured quick fix. It’s a familiar story: climate change campaigners, depressed by the battle to change carbon-hungry lifestyles, embrace nuclear power. Global health advocates push for pharmaceutical ‘solutions’ rather than against inequality and poverty. The argument that social change is too hard leads single-issue fanatics to depend on technological and market fixes for the heavy lifting.”

That’s right … something is only worth doing if it’s HARD.
“Zac, what’s wrong with cruelty-free meat?”

“It’s too easy. Unless an animal has suffered how do we know the meat tastes good.”

“By the taste?”

“Foolish boy. If you get something easy you don’t appreciate it.”

“You mean like you and money?”

“Exactly. That’s why I put £50,000 on a hand of poker.”


“OK … well £50,000 might have saved 50,000 lives through vaccination … or doubled the pay of 50,000 peasants … or drilled 500 wells. But then those people wouldn’t suffer so much, so they could not appreciate the true value of money. By wasting a fortune I am helping the poor, sick and needy!”

“Oh you are very wise My Master” squawks Porritt the Parrot.

For a more detailed discussion of why we all eat cloned food every day and why cloned animals are a GOOD thing, see:

Cloned meat: where's the beef?

An Axis of Reaction is furious about the idea of 'cloned meat'. Yet such meat is not only safe; it could also bring enormous benefits to both farmers and farmyard animals.

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