We all know that Ecologist contributors can barely count to 10 -- so the fact that they have misunderstood the statistics on flouridation will surprise no one.
Anyone who visits the United States will be familiar with their observation that the Brits all have terrible teeth. Sadly, this is true because very little of our drinking water is flouridated.
Flouride is essential for the healthy human body and was a very common component of our diet while we were evolving, living by oceans, eating fish and drinking water from rivers and lakes -- which contain good concentrations of all sorts of essential minerals. Flouride seeps into the surface enamel of growing teeth and protects against bacteria that cause tooth decay.
Sadly, these days our water comes mostly from reservoirs filled by rainwater.
Although eco-freaks may think that rain water is "natural" it is not natural enough for modern humans -- no minerals at all. We who grew up in developing countries where we had to collect rainwater in huge tanks got almost no flouride as children. As a result, I have had three extractions and most of my teeth are just a few chunks of yellowing enamel held together by fillings (hence, such a hit with the chicks).
But, those who believe that aliens are broadcasting thoughts into in their brains also believe that putting flouride in our reservoirs is a sinister attempt by Zionists, the One World Government and the United Nations (under control of the Beast 666) to poison us all.
In this week's Ecologist newsletter, a representative of these nitwits (the National Pure Water Association -- formerly the Oh God The Aliens Just Anally Probed Me Association) trots the old "causes cancer" argument. He writes:
US National Toxicology Program (NTP) ... carr[ied] out cancer studies in rats. The results came in 1990 and showed a dose-dependent increase in osteosarcoma (bone cancer) among male rats treated with sodium fluoride.
Of course he didn't read the study carefully enough. If he had he would have noticed that it was published in 1991 (not 1990) and studied mice and rats. He also didn't notice that the amount of flouride added to human drinking water is only 1 part per million (ppm) but in the US NTP study mice and rats were given up to 79ppm -- i.e. 80 times the dose in human water supplies.
Only one male rat (out of 50) in one sub-study and 4 male rats (out of 80) in another sub-study developed a form of bone cancer. No mice and no female rats developed any disease and led long happy lives. In fact the scientists who conducted the studies were doubtful if the cancers had anything to do with the huge doses of flouride.
Perhaps the Ecologist author does not realise that rats are not humans (though, working with the Ecologist one can understand the confusion). The fact that only male rats -- not the females and none of the mice -- developed bone cancer could well be a quirk of male rat physiology. For example -- when given aspirin, some pregnant rodents spontaneously abort their pups; cats given paracetamol may die. Not all animal experiments are directly relevant to humans.
Please feel free to check -- something the Ecologist "Fact Checking Department" * did not do.
*Meanwhile, deep in the Ecologist extensive fact checking department:
"Zac, what's a fact?"
"A lie spread by big business."
"But ... but ... doesn't all your money that supports the Ecologist come from big business?"
"You know, your father who was an assett-stripper, open-cast miner, deforester and tax-dodger."
"You are an infiltrator. Drag him out my minions!"
"Yes master." The office hunchbacks, Meacher, Melchett and Porritt, dressed
only in smelly organic cotton rags, cast the former employee to the pit of utter darkness (Starbucks).
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